If you’re like me and you have trouble remembering the conda commands to make environments, remove environments and list environments, here are commands that I added to my .bashrc file to make it easier.

Create Conda Environment

Command to make a conda environment that takes in the name of the environment and the python version.

# Create a conda environment. Take in as input the name of the environment and the python version.
# If the python version is not specified, use the default python version.
# If environment name is not specified, or if the environment already exists, exit with an error message.
function mkconda() {
    echo "Specify the name of the environment:"
    read env_name
    # Check if the environment name is empty
    if [ -z "$env_name" ]; then
        echo "Environment name cannot be empty."
        return 1
    if conda env list | grep -q "^$env_name\s"; then
        echo "Environment $env_name already exists."
        return 1
    echo "Specify the python version (default: 3.11):"
    read py_version
    if [ -z "$py_version" ]; then
    # Multiply by 10 and remove the decimal point
    if (( py_version_int < min_version )) || (( py_version_int > max_version )); then
        echo "Python version must be between 3.8 and 3.11."
        return 1
    conda create -n $env_name python=$py_version

Remove Conda Environment

Command to remove a conda environment that takes in the name of the environment.

# Remove a conda environment. Take in as input the name of the environment.
# If the environment name is not specified, or if the environment does not exist, exit with an error message.
function rmconda() {
    echo "Specify the name of the environment:"
    read env_name
    # Check if the environment name is empty
    if [ -z "$env_name" ]; then
        echo "Environment name cannot be empty."
        return 1
    if ! conda env list | grep -q "^$env_name\s"; then
        echo "Environment $env_name does not exist."
        return 1
    conda remove -n $env_name --all

List Conda Environments

Command to list all conda environments.

# List all conda environments.
function lsconda() {
    conda env list

Run source ~/.bashrc to update the bash commands. Now you can run mkconda, rmconda and lsconda to create, remove and list conda environments respectively.