Here is my style guide for writing code and working on software projects (updated as needed). It differs by language.



  • Generally follows the Black style guide.
  • Line length is 88 characters.
  • Tab size is 4 spaces.
  • Though not standard or popular, keep parenthese for condidtions in if statements and while loops (space before parentheses).
if (condition):
    # do something
while (condition):
    # do something
  • Keep parentheses around tuples
  • Empty lines should be used to separate logical sections of code. (e.g. between two functions, end of an if/while block, block of code with specific purpose, etc.)
  • Use is and is not instead of == and != when comparing to None.


  • Imports should be on separate lines.
  • Imports should be grouped in the following order:
    • Standard library imports
    • Third-party imports
    • Local packages imports
  • Imports should be sorted alphabetically within each group.
  • from x import y statements should come before import z statements.
  • If multiple imports are from the same package, they should be on the same line.
  • Imports should try to be absolute with regards to the system path.


  • Docstrings should be in triple quotes.
  • Docstrings for functions/methods are in the following format:
Description of purpose of function/method.
param1 : type
    Description of param1
    Description of return value
    Description of exception
  • Docstrings for classes are in the following format:
Description of purpose of class.
attr1 : type
    Description of attr1
method1(param1, param2, ...)
    Description of method1


  • Comments should be used to explain code that is not self-explanatory.


  • Use snake_case for variable names and function names.
  • Use PascalCase for class names.
  • Use UPPER_SNAKE_CASE for constants.
  • Add _ at the beginning for variables and methods that should be considered private.

Strings and Numbers

  • Use double quotes for strings.
  • When numbers are used in code, when they require letters, lowercase used for syntactic elements, uppercase used for letters that are digits. (e.g. 0x1A instead of 0x1a, 1e10 instead of 1E10)
  • Use f-strings for string formatting.

Call Chains

  • When using call chains, each call should be on a separate line.
result = (
    some_object.long_function_name(param1, param2)
    .long_function_name(param3, param4)
    .long_function_name(param5, param6)


  • Use spaces around all operators unless the arithmetic is being used to index an iterable/dictionary (don’t ask me why I prefer this, I just do).
result = 1 + 2
array = [1, 2, 3, 4]
result = array[1+2]

Type Annotations

  • Type annotations should be used for all functions and methods when possible.
    • Use for parameter types and return types.

Files and Folders

  • File names should be all lowercase/snake case.
  • Folder names should all be lowercase and should not require snake case.
  • Separate tests folder from source code folder.



Source Code File Structure

  • Source code files should be structured as follows:
    • License/Copyright information
    • Package declaration
    • Imports
    • Public/Top Level Class declaration


  • Line length is 140 characters.
  • Tab size is 4 spaces.
  • Opening braces should be on the same line as the declaration with space before the brace.
  • Closing braces should be on their own line.
  • Line break after closing brace unless it is followed by an else or catch statement.
  • If empty block between braces, braces should be on the same line.

Switch Statements

  • Case statements should be indented 4 spaces from the switch statement.
  • Statements within each case should be indented 4 spaces from the case statement.
  • Always include a default case.


  • Imports should be on separate lines.
  • Imports should be grouped in the following order:
    • Standard library imports
    • Third-party imports
    • Local packages imports
  • Imports should be sorted alphabetically within each group.


  • Use Javadoc for docstrings.


  • Comments should be used to explain code that is not self-explanatory.
  • Single line comments use //.
  • Multi-line comments use /* */.


  • Use camelCase for variable names and function names.
  • Use PascalCase for class names.
  • Use UPPER_SNAKE_CASE for constants.

Call Chains

  • When using call chains, each call should be on a separate line.
result = someObject.longFunctionName(param1, param2)
    .longFunctionName(param3, param4)
    .longFunctionName(param5, param6);
  • When line-wrapping a chain of method calls, the indentation on the subsequent lines should be at least 4 spaces.

Files and Folders

  • File names should be all camel case.
  • Folder names should all be lowercase and should not require snake case.
  • Separate tests folder from source code folder.